Alaska brings in $1MM tax revenue
Alaska has reported that it has brought in over $1 million dollars of tax revenue in its first 9 months after commercial sales of marijuana. These numbers come in before the outdoor crops have yielded their first production and are expected to grow…more
Alaska continues to break sales records
With Fairbanks North Pole and the Kenai Peninsula Boroughs being some of the highes producers, Election Day voters reconfirm their support to keep the marijuana commercial industry growing…more
Investing in individual companies (Not Penny Stocks):
Most OTC marijuana stocks have shown little growth, if any. So where are backers looking to get early starts in the growing cannabis industry, the answer is private equity firms, and they are not just for white collar investors…more
Marijuana as a Viable Crohn’s Disease Treatment:
In states where it has been legalized, testing has been done to prove that medical marijuana can reduce the effects and in many cases show full remission in subjects with Crohn’s Disease. Not only does this help as a anti-inflammatory but eases the side effects of the disease like fatigue and loss of appetite…more